Saturday 5 January 2013

Hajj Reflection #20: Sadaqah

Do as much charity (sadaqah) as possible; monetary or physical(smiling included :)). Yet, it is important that we give sadaqah for the pleasure of Allah as the reward is for the hereafter and not for human acknowledgement or worldly rewards.

And do not favour others in order to receive more.
 (Al-Mudathir: 6)

 In actual truth, I had begun to practice the art of giving sadaqah more frequently approximately eight months before performing my hajj. It included giving sadaqah to those I felt uncomfortable with, such as the beggars who walked up to my house gate every month, or those who stopped me as I approach my car with an excuse of a donation. Issues such as scams and the eligibility of the person making the pledge often cloud my mind. Slowly, I was able to push all negative thoughts aside and just focus on the act of sadaqah itself.  

In terms of the amount we give, it is often said that giving RM1 is better than nothing.  However, I am of the opinion that when giving, if it won't even feel a pinch, then why not raise the bar?  This, however, must be done in istiqomah and ikhlas.  For me, I raised both the frequency and amount.

 Now, imagine being able to give sadaqah in the holy lands - MasyaAllah! I tried hard to make it a habit there, to give sadaqah to the cleaners in the holy mosques and in the streets, on a daily basis. There were also opportunities to tip any mutawif, and even fellow hujjaj, Alhamdulillah. Every time I reached my own target at something, such as completing an umrah or reciting the whole Quran, I ensured I gave more as a form of appreciation and gratitude to Allah swt.

 Ergo, after a month of this amazing process of purification, I came home wanting to tip everyone who crossed my path! SubhanAllah, I notice that I have become more generous and definitely less calculative (especially with my children!).

 O Allah, I beseech You for sustenance (rezq): abundant, good and lawful-from the sustenance You own.

 NB: May Allah forgive me for my sins and protect me from any form of evil or feelings of riya' for sharing a very personal practice of mine

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